Learn more about CompanyMood

Stephanie Wörz
Written by Stephanie Wörz

What is the action management?

Accompanying and documenting actions

With the action management we complete the process of digital feedback by an important step:

Operational actions can be planned, implemented and documented in CompanyMood. Each action can be related to the company or department level as desired and communicated to the corresponding teams. In this way, those responsible and executives save a lot of time in change management and at the same time fulfil the duty of documentation for the psychological risk assessment or reporting to the personnel department.

All actions at a glance

The creation of an action is simple and contains the most important information:

  • name and description of the action
  • status: 0 - 100%
  • responsible person (creator)
  • persons involved (employees / managers)
  • topics
  • scope of application: department(s) or entire company - either the entire company or individual departments can be selected, whereby sub-departments must be selected separately.
  • chat area / exchange

The action can be discussed internally using the chat function. This promotes and simplifies the exchange between the participants. The internal chat of an action is not publicly visible, even if the action is public. 

Order according to kanban model

Orderly actions created using drag and drop based on the implementation status from left and right. Sort the actions for prioritization from top to bottom.

Who sees the action?

Initially, only those responsible and involved can see the action and participate in it (via chat).

The 'responsible person' (executives or administrators) is the creator of the action. Furthermore, responsible persons can be added to the action (executives and employees). All these persons can discuss within the action and upload files.

Public announcement

As soon as a comment in the action is marked with 'Public announcement', the action is displayed to all employees.

Only with a public announcement the action and the corresponding commentary will become publicly visible. The internal chat of the action is reserved for the participants of the action and is not displayed to all. If one wants to communicate externally, the 'Public announcement' must always be selected.

Employees see the action and the message on their dashboard:

Employees' reactions to the action

Employees belonging to the action area (department / company) can react directly to the action by clicking on the 'thumbs up / down' symbol. In addition to each comment, employees can contribute direct feedback on the action itself or published comments on it. 

Those responsible and involved in an action can see these reactions in the action itself. The reactions are displayed next to the comment.

File upload

Files can also be uploaded within the action. These files are collected in the event and can be downloaded by all participants.

Any questions?

We are available at any time by email or phone at +49 6831 516 89 13.

