Learn more about CompanyMood

Orlando Policicchio
Written by Orlando Policicchio

Roles and authorizations

Administrators, supervisors, department managers, employees


The administrator (admin) role has all rights within the software. An admin can invite employees, view invoice data, export reports, change roles and also view all other areas. This role is particularly suitable for responsible persons in the IT, management and HR sectors.

Administrators, like employees and department managers, participate in the feedback process (mood reviews, surveys, etc.).


The supervisor role is suitable for people who are not supposed to participate in mood evaluation and who are more likely to act as observers but still need an overview of all data (e.g. external consultants, management, analysts, etc.). Supervisors, like an admin, receive the report of the entire company and have all available rights.

They do not take part in the mood evaluation and in the surveys. The participation rate is therefore not influenced.

Department managers

The department manager role is intended for area managers, executives and team leaders who assume responsibility for a department or organizational unit. A department manager receives the weekly report for the assigned department and views all data (anonymously or by mode also transparent) of the department.

If a department (area) has further subdepartments, the department manager also sees these. Any number of managers can be defined for a department.

Department managers, like employees and administrators, participate in the feedback process (mood reviews, surveys, etc.).


The role of an employee enables to participate in the mood evaluation. The message box can also be used at any time either anonymously or transparently as desired. After a login, employees see their own mood and, if not set differently, also the average mood as well as the top 5 topics in their assigned department. It is possible to collaborate on actions if the employee has been invited to do so.

Changing or assigning roles

A role can be assigned during the invitation of employees or in the employee administration.

If employees are to be assigned roles directly, the selection of a role and the assigned department can be made in the invitation.

If a role needs to be changed (e.g. from admin to supervisor), this can be done in the employee administration via the button "Actions - Change role".

Only admins or supervisors have the permission to change a role.

Visibility of results - who sees what?

Administrators and supervisors see the results of the entire company on their dashboard.

They can change the view to see what employees see on their dashboard:

Any questions?

The CompanyMood team will be happy to answer your questions. You can reach us by mail or by phone under +49 6831 51 68 913.
